Mad Max Props
Last updated: November 5, 2007 3:55 PM (CST)

My Mad Max Prop Collection
Unless otherwise Specified, none of the props shown in these pages are for sale.

MFP Uniform - Weapons & Costume Props - Misc. Props

In 1979 Mel Gibson starred in in a little film that would go on to spin out two more sequels
and launch Mel into becomming an "A list" star. That film was George Miller's Mad Max

I've always liked the film, even though the sequel, The Road Warrior is a much more popular
film in the scheme of things.
These two films were the reason I received a black "Police Jacket" style motorcycle jacket for my
birthday in 1989. I wore the jacket for a number of years, and eventually put it away in the closet,
replacing it with a more modern (and less HOT) motorcycle jacket.

And, as things happen in my mind (which they often do...) I started to wonder if I could convert
the jacket to look more like the MFP (Main Force Patrol) police jackets worn by Mel and crew
in the original Mad Max.

So... it began.

Found this on the net someplace a couple years ago. Don't know who made it. The MFP - Main Force Patrol Uniform Found this on the net someplace a couple years ago. Don't know who made it.